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The power of Social Media has gained popularity since it’s inception. The ability to communicate with the masses instantly gives someone the ability to update his/her status and have followers. Take Facebook, now you can keep track of you high school buddies and people that you wouldn’t consider your best friend but you don’t mind seeing what they are doing.This also is true with past relationships. We can reconnect with people we have once dated, keep up to date with current relationships they may be in and see their family’s grow. So what happened to me? I found someone that I once dated years ago and connected with them on social media. This as created a whole new relationship type for me, one that I am not used to and one that I am trying very hard to adapt to. See, she lives in Colorado ( My Home State ) and I live in North Carolina. So even though it’s only a plane fly away, it’s still a very unconventional style of relationship. One in my opinion that takes a lot more work and one that is the hardiest. We take for granted to ability to look at your partners face when they are happy or sad. Here you have a phone or Skype and it’s not the same. The ability to touch, kiss and hug is removed and reserved for the short period of time you have with your partner when you see them.

Updating your status and posting tags on your Facebook site is part of the fun. Chances of you having a good following of Facebook is pretty high. I am talking about your core friends or family. These people actually like to see you improve and care what you post. They follow you and your life everyday and even though they live in different states you can communicate on a daily basis with stories or pictures. Take my recent status update where I changed my relationship status from single to “In a Relationship”. People that truly care will give you a positive response and back you 100%. Now you will always have some that are not as receptive to what you are doing  but for the most part you will get a positive following. Then you will have some that feel they have the right to express there opinion even it’s negative. Now, I feel that you can since I am the one that initiated the post but don’t expect to be my friend for to long. We don’t like negative post especially on status updates. I feel that if you have a concern it should me a message sent not one blasted on something you feel good about. You will always have some that view what you are doing as abrasive, fast, spontaneous and even crazy. Shit maybe you are, but people that have those concerns shouldn’t doubt you in front of the many that care about your success. If you have a lot of friends then you want the positive vibes to be thrown not the negative ones.

So lets talk about my new adventure. For those who have read my past stories know that I have been through a lot. I haven’t dated in many years and for once in a long time I am happy. I took a chance and messaged this person out of the blue. I dated her over 16 years ago and now we have been dating since November. The weird and scary part of this relationship is we have reconnected on the same level we left on. It was as if we never skipped a beat and both of us have jumped in with both feet. The biggest obstacle is distance. Having a passionate relationship kinda gets hindered by distance. Like I have stated above, the ability to kiss and hug and see emotion is something that you need in a relationship. We are both scared because we have similar stories. She was cheated on like I was and her scar is more recent then mine. Plus the only option we have is for to move out here. My custody agreement states we have to live in NC so I am stuck here until they are in college. Her boy is already in High School and at least is open to the possibility to move.

So How do I feel about her? Well I could come up with a ton of additives to desribe my emotions and feelings. I know that my focus and attention has been on trying to make this relationship work. For once in a long time I have the Butterflies in my stomach when I see her, touch her and kiss her. When I see myself years from now I see her and her boy with me and my kids. I think about her constantly and I know that I have strong feelings for her. We have already said the “L” word and we constantly are looking for songs and poems to express what we feel. I am constantly thinking about her and wondering what she is thinking and doing. We fit sexually, the best I have ever had, and both of us talk and think about it all the time. I am scared!!!!! I am scared that I will loose her. I scared that all of this time and emotion will end in a heart break. But, all relationships have the same caliber of worry to them. The start of any relationship has these thoughts, it just takes time to gain trust that your partner is investing the same amount of time and emotion into the relationship. I know that that us being this far apart is a short period of time in our lives. Even though it is hard and sometimes un bearable, we have to work hard to keep us going. I feel if we can make it through this long distance then our relationship will have a huge foundation, one that is un breakable. One that is different then any other relationship I have ever had and I so want to know what that feels like. I know that my soul is happy and I feel that this relationship is right. Even though I am scared i know she is as well. I know that both of us have to work very hard to keep this going. I am glad I jumped in with both feet and absolutely wouldn’t change a thing. I feel that things happen for a reason. I know that something made me take a chance to write her. I look at that decision and I know that it was the right one. I feel that one day we will be together everyday and I can’t wait.

So conclusion to this story. Social Media and building relationships has been new to me. Something I believe our generation does on the regular basis. Like in the olden days where one would take the time to write a letter to their loved ones, we know express our love through social media. Granted it’s not the same in how personal it is compared to a letter, but the feelings are mutual. Our generation likes instant gratification and and social media fills that void.